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Date of birth:

Place of birth:

Biography abstract:

The following table shows all complete meetups for this subject. To also view incomplete data and other historical traces for this subject, please use the Reading view tab.

When Where Participants Purpose Actions
Meetups (reading view)

This reading view shows all meetup data held on this subject, including incomplete meetups and historical traces.

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Timeline of meetups

Here the musical meetups for this subject are displayed on a timeline. Click the timeline to highlight it and enable interactions - the timeline can be dragged left and right or zoomed in and out with your scroll wheel to explore in more detail.

Meetup frequency

The following graph shows popular and active periods of meetups for this subject over time. The graph is calculated using a 3-year rolling average of the number of musical meetups occurring in each year for the subject.

Exploring social networks by participant

's biography shows musical meetups involving the following partipants:

Exploring social networks by purpose

's biography shows musical meetups involving the following categorised by the following themes and purposes:

Exploring social networks by place

's biography shows musical meetups in the following places:

Detail view